Genevieve Hannah and Hope Allison

I will praise you; O Lord, with all my heart:
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name. O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name. O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2
The girls are here! Praise the Lord! Hope and Genevieve Bayer arrived on Tuesday, August 9th. Hope entered the world at 9:55am and Genevieve at 10:00am. What a joyous day! A day full of emotion and overwhelming thankfulness.
They are twins, but so very different. It only took me only a little bit to know who was who. Hope looks like her daddy with his beautiful eyes, but she has my lips. Genevieve looks like her mommy, only with a cute little head (unlike her mommy's big head-haha!). It's so fun to just sit and stare at them...we've been waiting so long to look at these precious faces.
Delivery Day!
I was so glad that my body went into labor all on it's own...God's timing of course. My water broke at 12:30am on Tuesday morning. Erik began rushing around preparing us to leave...our car had been packed for 2 weeks. We arrived at the hospital after 1am. Our families also arrived shortly after us. My labor was really intense in the beginning and not much fun. I progressed fairly fast and finally the pain medication took effect just in time to get some rest before I was ready to push! The doctor said it was time and wheeled me off to the delivery room. I was crying as we entered the delivery room. The nurses and doctor asking if I was scared. I had no fear at that point, just pure joy that I was about to deliver my baby girls. The emotions didn't stop. Hope arrived and was immediately put onto my chest, she was crying out the whole time. Hearing her cry was music to my ears...still is. I kissed her and off she went to get clean while I pushed out her sister 5 minutes later. Again, hearing her cry was beautiful. The delivery room was emotional once they both arrived safe and sound. The nurses were crying and even our doctor had a teary eyed moment with us. Our doctor had been with us when we lost Ivy almost 3 years ago as well as one of our nurses. God gave us the same team that day that we had that fateful day in the past. It was amazing to share our new joy with both of them. A truly happy ending! It went so fast that before I knew it we were back in the room surrounded by emotional family members. What a morning it was!
The day just continued to get better and better. The girls were measured and weighed. Hope was 6lbs. 13oz. and 19" long. Genevieve was 6lbs. 3oz. and 18 1/2" long. They are perfect and healthy! All we wanted to do was enjoy them and stare at the beautiful faces God created just for us.
We only stayed in the hospital for 2 days and we are now home. This is now the beginning of our new life with our new family. Erik and I are of course exhausted and sleep comes and goes, but we feel truly blessed to be here in our home with our baby girls....this day felt like it would never come. So I sit here typing and watching my babies sleep silently, oh how beautiful they are. Thank you to all of you for praying for these two miracles. It is going to be an amazing journey.
Love to you all.
I will keep you posted on week 1 with the twins!
"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
ReplyDeleteand the fruit of the womb is his reward."
Psalm 127:3 (KJV)
Jamie they're both so gorgeous. I'm so happy for you and Erik. ♥
ReplyDeleteMy heart can hardly contain my joy! All praise, honor, and glory goes to our Lord!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS! Sooo exciting! And how wonderful how healthy and big they are! God is good, all the time! I was going to say enjoy every minute with them, but I know you are :)
ReplyDeleteGod is so good!!!! HE who promised is faithful!! Praise the Lord for your sweet girls!! So excited for you!
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL PERFECTION!!!! And way to go delivering twins!!! SUPERMOM!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYay, Yay, Yay! Praise God. They are beautiful! Can't wait to see you and Erik parent them...you'll do great!!
ReplyDeleteSOOOO, SOOOO, SOOOO happy for you! I've been checking your blog DAILY to hear the good news! Praise the Lord and enjoy your sweeties!
ReplyDeleteJoy abounds. Congratulations, Bayer family and welcome, Hope and Genevieve!
ReplyDeleteThe Carlson Family
This is such a welcome update! I mean, Mom called me on the 9th, of course, but I'm so glad to hear that they've arrived safe and sound. Hopefully I'll be in KC soon (this month or next)...can I call you to stop in and meet them? Love to you all!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I am so happy your girls arrived in such a great manner and are so big and healthy! Praise God! I have been following your blog for a number of months and your posts always bring me back down to earth. I have a story of my own: miscarriage, cysts, 3 long years of trying to get pregnant, etc. Long story short, we now have 3 beautiful girls, 3 and under. My life is crazy and drives me crazy sometimes. But, when I ready your story I am completely humbled. Thank you so much for sharing in and I look forward to hearing how you and your new family are doing in the future!
ReplyDeleteSOOOOOOO excited to finally see this post! I've been checking and checking! Congratulations, Jamie and Eric. I'm thrilled for you and your two super-sweet hearts.