Praise God I am 12 weeks along now....woo hoo! My belly has just popped out in the last two weeks, so Erik thought it was time to start taking the belly photos. It looks small in this photo, but to me it feels huge. But I love it! My 3 miracles need lots of room to grow and my belly is getting ready for it. We go back to the OB soon for another ultrasound and this time we get to hear the heartbeats. I am so excited for that. I love seeing them on the ultrasound too. They shock me every time I see them. Erik will say, "We are having 3 babies...at the same time!" We have to continually remind ourselves because some days it's so surreal and hard to imagine. I am sure though it won't be hard to imagine when they are all kicking me. That will be fun. What a blessing they are going to be to us and so many others.
God is teaching me so much through this pregnancy. I know he is going to use these precious babies in amazing ways, both inside my womb and out in the world. I am currently doing a bible study titled, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World". We all know the story of Mary and Martha and the book helps you find that "Mary" in you amidst the busy "Martha" lifestyle.
One question that stuck out to me was this: What inanimate object best describes how your life currently feels?
I answered: Currently my life is like the pause button on the DVD player. My life was playing like a DVD, at a regular sometimes fast pace. I was busy with my activites and ministries. Then, I become pregnant....with triplets. Suddenly God has pushed the pause button on my DVD player. Now this may sound odd to many of you. But I have had to give up my activites and even my ministires for this season because my babies need me most right now. While it is a tremendous blessing and I would do anything for my children, it has been a huge adjustment. I have had to learn to be still again and I am now realizing how wonderful this time is going to be. I am looking for the "Mary" inside of me to sit at God's feet for hours each day and learn from Him. God has given me this time for His purpose and I plan to give Him all of me that he wants.
What an amazing God we have. Praise Him today for the blessings in your life!
Thanks for reading my blog, praying for me, thinking of me, and just loving me (and my babies).
Love to you all.
Blessed is our God and His timing is perfect. Jamie dear, you have Never been quiet! ... That is until now and I'm amazed at your strength and your Faith in theOne who supply's that strength.
ReplyDeletelove ALL of you,
Jamie I am so excited that you are doing this blog! I'm not sure what it means to be a google friend but if I can read your blog and respond to you that's all I need. Love your "little" tummy! WOW = 3 babies is amazing!God bless you my girl - we continue to pray daily! God is sooooo good! Love you, jan
ReplyDeleteOh girlie, I'm so happy for you! I feel like crying tears of joy. We are so thrilled for you and Eric.
ReplyDeleteDiane P.
Yay! It is great to see a picture of you...I was just telling one of my coworkers today that I can't wait to see you and see how much you are growing! You look amazing!!! I love all six of my Bayers (Erik, Jamie, Ivy, Baby A, Baby B and Baby C).
Auntie M :)
Oh my goodness~you look darling!! It brought tears to my eyes to see you. I've been a bit teary today so this was just perfect. God reminded me He is always faithful, He can work miracles and He will provide for all our needs. He also gives us the desires of our hearts when we seek His face. You are living proof of all those truths about God! Thank you for your encouraging yet convicting words about being a Mary. I'm so much a Martha and know God desires for me to sit at His feet more than I do. Thank you for being obedient to share so that God could speak to my heart! I will love reading your blog and you grow, and grow and grow!:) Praying for you, Erik and these precious little ones. Love you sweet friend! Jennifer
ReplyDeleteOh Jamie! Seeing your beautiful face makes my heart miss our weekly drives to Raytown and sharing life together! Thank you for starting a blog and letting us have a window into your world and all that God is doing. It brings such joy to me to feel more connected to people I love. . like you!! Sooo excited for you!! I've saved your blog in my favorites so I can keep tabs :). Love you!!
ReplyDeleteGod has blessed our families beyond our expectations(pun intended) But then again we all know you and ERik dream big and God joined you in that dream! Blessed be our Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I am learning so much from you and your incredible faith. How proud I am to call you my other daughter! Pat the babies for me! Love you all!
ReplyDeleteMomma B
What a great way to start my day....reading about the author of miracles and His chosen one :) to carry 3 of them! I am so excited that you are STILL pressing in to the Lord and experiencing all that he has to teach you. Jamie, if you ever feel like your day has been a 'waste' just 'hanging out and being a bum'....just remember...you are growing 3 LIVES and that's more than 99.9% of the world has accomplished that day! What a woman you are! Praise God.
ReplyDeleteJamie, I didn't even know! What wonderful, wonderful PRAISEWORTHY news!! I know we haven't been in small group together for a long time, but I often think of you guys and I'm so excited for you! What an inspiration your blog has already been! I find myself pausing to take note of the lesson that you're sharing!
ReplyDeleteJamie and Erik, I am so happy for you. It is awesome that you will have 3 wonderful, beautiful and healthly babies. You both look so good. Jamie you are just glowing. Praise God for this wonderful miracle. I will continue to hold you all up in prayer. I hope to see you soon.
ReplyDeleteLove you both,
A few more months and you'll know how I feel with the tight pants!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteJamie- Kristina sent me a link to your blog so I could follow your pregnancy and be praying for you! We are SOOO excited for you guys! Congratulations! Kevin and I couldn't believe it when Kristina told us on the phone. Kevin said, "I just know God is saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." And what faithful servants you and Erik have been. So excited for those three little miracles! Callie
ReplyDeleteErik & Jamie,
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you. When you first emailed me this blog site and told us about the babies, I just cried. I just can't express my profound excitement and surprise by God's work. I was trying to explain to some friends your profound faith and love of our Lord. I will continue to pray for all of you. God Bless & I look forward to seeing you all grow!!
OH GIRL! And having triplets after 8 YEARS is STILL surreal. People often say to me..I can't believe you have triplets!...and my response is 'ME EITHER!' I completely understand the PAUSE BUTTON. I was there too. What an awesome perspective God can give in being pregnant with 3! It was probably the happiest time in my life..or should I say 'most content'. You will grow so fast and it is amazing when you start doing the Specialilst ultrasounds that cross-section their little hearts.. WOW.. I still get chills. I am so excited for you and Erik. Honestly, if you have any questions don't hesitate to call or email me. It will be nice to have someone else REroute the family tree with me ;) Love to all 5 of you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Jamie! Kate told me and gave me the link to this site. I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful blessing :) It will be exciting to read your updates!
ReplyDeleteMuch love!!
Allison (Sebolt) Gibeson