A view of the entire room. We have the two cribs put up, although I figure they will sleep in the same one for awhile. We put Ephraim's name on the wall to honor him.

Here is a bit of a closer view of the main wall with the changing table and the cribs on either side. When we were expecting Ivy, we didn't know she was a girl until she was born, so this nursery was decorated with ducks and frogs. We have kept that theme with the yellow and green and added a few pink touches.

Here is Genevieve's crib. She has the window view next to the rocking chair.

Here is Hope's crib. Also included in this view is the kids bathroom and guest room. The bathroom is also decorated with ducks and frogs.

Here is a view of the girls closet. A very full closet!

This is just a small taste of the amount of clothing that we have received as gifts or hand-me-downs. We have been so blessed by friends and family! We had to put clothing in the guest room closet as well. We are incredibly thankful to you all for these blessings!

This is the girls' "wall of fame". This board has all the sweet little bows we've collected and some ultrasound pictures of them. Our beautiful girls!

Erik had to take a picture of the cute rug!
Love to you all! Please continue to pray for Erik & I and our precious girls. We are so thankful for all of you, for your love and prayers.
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